Category: General Care

Are you at risk for gum disease? Take this quiz to find out!

June 19, 2024

Gum disease is more common that you might think. If you’re 30-years-old or older, you might be one of the 40% of adults who suffer from periodontal or “gum” disease, an infection that weakens the tissues and bone that support your teeth. Read More

Oral Cancer Myth Busting -- What You Don’t Know Could Hurt You

April 1, 2024

April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month. At First Choice Dental, our commitment to your complete health includes free oral cancer screenings, whether you’re a patient or not. Read More

5 reasons you should celebrate this unsung Dane County anniversary

September 10, 2018

This year marks an anniversary that most people in Dane County don’t know anything about—but it’s one that almost all of us can be thankful for. Because back in 1948, Dane County started adding fluoride to our municipal water supply. And while that may not seem like a big deal, studies prove that people who live and grow in communities with fluoridated water experience less tooth decay. A simple, cost effective way to help everyone have heathier teeth? At First Choice Dental, we think that’s something to celebrate. Read More

Improve your #selfie game with a healthy #smile

September 1, 2016

For many Millennials, taking selfies is a daily occurrence. According to a survey performed last year by tooth whitening brand Luster Premium White, these young adults take on average nine selfies a week and spend seven minutes capturing the perfect moment. Popular selfie preparations include moving to a better location, fixing hair, and practicing smiles. Read More

No need to floss? Think again!

August 1, 2016

You’ve seen the headlines:
Flossing may be a waste of time.
Feeling guilty about not flossing? Maybe there’s no need.
Medical benefits of dental floss unproven. Read More

Snack Ideas with Punch for Your Smile

March 1, 2016

March is National Nutrition Month! Healthy eating habits are good for your body and your smile. Read More

Acid Reflux or GERD and Tooth Damage

January 20, 2016

Did you overindulge over the holidays?  Or do you have broken resolutions about eating healthier that are catching up with you? Read More

Dentist Approved Holiday Snacks for Kids and Adults

December 16, 2015

The holidays can wreak havoc on your diet and on your smile. Read More

Diabetes and Your Dentist

November 7, 2015

November is National Diabetes Month. Read More