Dr. John Cairns

Lead Dentist


Services Offered

General Dentistry

Days & Hours

Madison Downtown

Monday 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Tuesday 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Thursday 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Friday 7:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Days and hours listed do not indicate available appointment times. Please make an appointment with your clinic.



Doctor of Dental Medicine - Southern Illinois University

Bachelor of Science in Biology - Augustana College


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About Dr. John Cairns

About Dr. John Cairns
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Dr. Cairns received his bachelor’s degree in biology before earning his Doctor of Dental Medicine degree from Southern Illinois University. His experience includes working several different dental practices including a small group practice, a large DSO, and a private practice. He enjoys learning new technology and incorporating it into his comprehensive care of patients. Dr. Cairns is excited to start exploring the city of Madison!

 Fun facts about Dr. Cairns!

  • Hometown: Naperville, IL
  • Hobbies: Biking, cooking, and hiking
  • Favorite activities: Traveling and trying new restaurants
  • Favorite place to travel: Brazil
  • Pets: Luna (boxer, beagle mix)
  • Favorite foods: Sushi, but he really loves all food. He loves getting restaurant recommendations from teammates and patients. He’s also a big coffee drinker!
  • Interesting fact: He loves shoes! Those who come in regularly will get to see his collection!